KC Miller is here! Add this to the top of your New years list and PLEASE watch this episode! She explains the energy of 2017 and offers encouragement that this is the year of New Choices, New Beginnings, New Year 2017!
The energy of 2017 is New Beginnings! 2016 was a year of completion and in this year of 2017 you can expect new ideas, new relationships, new births, new beginnings and stepping out of the completion of 2016 into a new direction for your life!
KC Miller is the founder and CEO of Southwest Institute of Healing Arts and brings her brilliant perspective to our conversation of Spiritual Consciousness Evolving. Find out more about KC and the school at: https://swiha.edu
Join us each week on the Turning Stones Show: http://www.turningstonesshow.com
What is the science behind numerology? How can being aware of each number bring peace and fullfillment to your life? Do you see your birthday on the clock frequently? Do you see 11:11? 4:44? Begin to be interested in the messaeges you could be receiving.
Why does Dave always see the number 9:11? What does it mean or how does it resonate with him? Look within to find your answers.
Join us this season as we continue the journey of conversations about Spiritual Consciousness Evolving!
Join in the conversation!
Guest: KC Miller https://swiha.edu
Cohost: Wendy Falcon https://wendyfalcon.com
Website: http://www.turningstonesshow.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/turningstonesshow
Host: David Marsh http://www.azvideomarketing.com
Host: Jesse Ferrell https://jessejamesbodywellness.com